7  Repeated measures design

7.1 Mixed model anlysis of repeated-measures data

We use lme4 instead of traditional repeated-measures or within-subjects design using aov(). Before proceeding with analysis of your own data, ensure that your data table is in the correct format and categorical variables are encoded as factors and not numbers. Here are the packages needed for these analyses.

These data are from in vitro experiments measuring percentage cell death after infection. Each “Subject” (experimental well) was measured at 2 time points. Cells were one of two genotypes: WT or KO (knockout). We want to know whether cell death changes over time and whether this is different between the genotypes.

As side-by-side experiments on the two genotypes for two time points were carried out several times independently, “Exp” is a random factor and allowed its own intercept.

“Subject” is also a random factor because we are not interested only in these subjects, which were randomly sampled, and want to be able to generalise over all subjects. We also allow subjects to have their own intercepts.

Note the specific requirements of the long-format data table. Each row must uniquely indicate Genotype, Time, Subject and PI value. This table has explicit “nesting” of subjects i.e. subject IDs are unique taking into account the whole experiment.

Df for this experiment are more complicated as shown below. A note on entering IDs for Subjects

The ID of the “Subject” or “Individual” should be carefully chosen and should be unique considering the whole dataset. In R, I strongly recommend using alphanumeric IDs wherever possible. When total Df (denDf) is calculated, we lose Df for number of unique subjects in the study – incorrect or confusing IDs of subjects will result in wrong Df and P values.

Let’s say we want to measure a parameter at weeks 1 and 2 in Control & Drug-treated mice. We could do this by using 6 different mice in each group, and measure 3 per group at week 1 (e.g. by sacrificing them to harvest tissue) and 3 at week 2. Here we have 6 “subjects” per group (12 total). This kind of data are entered in Table 7.1), where “names” of mice in week 1 and week 2 are different to indicate these are 6 unique subjects per group. Alternatively, we may have a non-invasive measurement technology and use the exact same mice at week 1 and 2. In this case, we will have 3 “subjects” per group (6 total) as entered in Table Table 7.2. Here the “names” of mice used in week 1 and 2 are the same within Treatment groups. Making subject IDs or names explicitly unique is good-practice and will precisely describe the experimental design so that R does not make a mistake in fitting an incorrect model and calculate wrong denDf.

Table 7.1: Six mice per group.
Six mice per group.
Treatment Time Subject Cytokine
Control Week_1 Con_W1_Ms1 12.78
Control Week_1 Con_W1_Ms2 11.14
Control Week_1 Con_W1_Ms3 11.41
Control Week_2 Con_W2_Ms1 9.81
Control Week_2 Con_W2_Ms2 8.19
Control Week_2 Con_W2_Ms3 10.86
Drug Week_1 Drug_W1_Ms1 20.64
Drug Week_1 Drug_W1_Ms2 18.57
Drug Week_1 Drug_W1_Ms3 18.61
Drug Week_2 Drug_W2_Ms1 17.90
Drug Week_2 Drug_W2_Ms2 18.72
Drug Week_2 Drug_W2_Ms3 19.81
Table 7.2: Three mice per group.
Three mice per group.
Treatment Time Subject Cytokine
Control Week_1 Con_Ms1 12.78
Control Week_1 Con_Ms2 11.14
Control Week_1 Con_Ms3 11.41
Control Week_2 Con_Ms1 9.81
Control Week_2 Con_Ms2 8.19
Control Week_2 Con_Ms3 10.86
Drug Week_1 Drug_Ms1 20.64
Drug Week_1 Drug_Ms2 18.57
Drug Week_1 Drug_Ms3 18.61
Drug Week_2 Drug_Ms1 17.90
Drug Week_2 Drug_Ms2 18.72
Drug Week_2 Drug_Ms3 19.81

The easiest way to do avoid confusion over how many subjects were repeatedly measured is to make “subject IDs” alphanumeric and unique taking into account how you designed the study.

In the data we process in this Chapter I used Subject IDs s1-s12, which describe 6 “individuals” each of WT and KO (i.e., 12 different subjects). Each of them is measured repeatedly (i.e., at two time points), which is why this study is a repeated measures design.

Another thing to note about these data is that they are also designed as randomised blocks of “Experiment” – there are 6 experiments e1 - e6. Each subject only appears only within an experimental block i.e., Subject s1 was used in Experiment e1, but does not appear again in other Experimental blocks. The exact same individual does not appear in other blocks in the study design. The technical way of describing this is that our subjects are nested within experiments. This is clear from the way we have labelled subjects and experiments in Table Table 7.3 below.

7.1.1 Cell death table

Table 7.3: Percentage cell death over time.
Percentage cell death over time.
X Experiment Time Subject Genotype PI Time2
1 e1 t100 s01 WT 20.47 100
2 e2 t100 s02 WT 28.89 100
3 e3 t100 s03 WT 11.55 100
4 e4 t100 s04 WT 23.25 100
5 e5 t100 s05 WT 30.21 100
6 e6 t100 s06 WT 28.68 100
7 e1 t100 s07 KO 9.34 100
8 e2 t100 s08 KO 7.60 100
9 e3 t100 s09 KO 5.48 100
10 e4 t100 s10 KO 8.26 100
11 e5 t100 s11 KO 6.98 100
12 e6 t100 s12 KO 3.87 100
25 e1 t300 s01 WT 38.14 300
26 e2 t300 s02 WT 38.10 300
27 e3 t300 s03 WT 23.17 300
28 e4 t300 s04 WT 32.19 300
29 e5 t300 s05 WT 44.01 300
30 e6 t300 s06 WT 48.81 300
31 e1 t300 s07 KO 13.41 300
32 e2 t300 s08 KO 9.77 300
33 e3 t300 s09 KO 7.83 300
34 e4 t300 s10 KO 10.18 300
35 e5 t300 s11 KO 12.63 300
36 e6 t300 s12 KO 7.34 300

7.1.2 Exploratory plots of cell death

Note that the data table has a “factor” column of time that is alphanumeric and a “numeric” column. For ANOVAs, factors should always be categorical – keep in mind that R by default will assume numbers a quantitative and the fit will be different! You must use a column with factor type data for ANOVA (see Figure 7.1), and a different numerical one if you want to plot these same data against Time on a quantitative X-axis as in Figure 7.3.

       aes(x = Time, 
           y = PI))+
  geom_boxplot(aes(fill = Genotype), 
               width = 0.4,
               alpha = 0.7,
               position = position_dodge(width = 0.7))+ #dodge the variables Genotype & Time
  geom_point(aes(fill = Genotype),
             shape = 21,
             size = 3,
             alpha = 0.8,
             position = position_jitterdodge(jitter.width = 0.1,
                                             dodge.width = 0.7))+
  labs(title = "Cell death over time",
       y = "Cell death (%)")
Figure 7.1: Plot of cell death versus genotype

Data separated by experiment and subject.

       aes(x = Time, 
           y = PI))+
  geom_point(aes(shape = Subject,
                 colour = Genotype),
             size = 3,
             stroke = 1,
             alpha = 0.8)+
  geom_line(aes(group = Genotype))+
  theme_grafify(base_size = 15)+
  guides(colour = guide_legend(order = 1),
         shape = guide_legend(order = 2))+
  theme(legend.justification = "right")+
  scale_shape_manual(values = 0:20)+
  labs(title = "Cell death plotted across Experiments",
       y = "Cell death (%)")
Figure 7.2: Plot of cell death versus genotype
  geom_smooth(aes(group = Genotype, 
                  colour = Genotype), 
              method = "lm",
              alpha = 0.2)+
  geom_boxplot(aes(fill = Genotype),
               width = 10,
               alpha = 0.6,
               position = position_identity())+
  geom_jitter(width = 2, 
              size = 3, 
              shape = 21,
              alpha = 0.7, 
              aes(fill = Genotype))+
  labs(title = "Cell death vs (numeric) Time",
       x = "Time (min)", 
       y = "Cell death (%)")
Figure 7.3: Plot of cell death versus time

7.2 Mixed model analysis of cell death

Here, Death is the quantitative dependent variable, which is in percentage, so could be divided by 100 and transformed using the \(logit\) transformation to shift its probability distribution towards the normal distribution. Time & Geno are predictors (i.e. fixed factors). The data table above, Time2 is a numeric Time column for plotting the graph in Figure 7.3. Subject is measured repeatedly, so we allow intercepts for this random factor. Note that WT subjects & KO subjects have different names because they are NOT the same “individuals”. Experiments are part of the block design, so we also allow random intercepts for “Experiment” (another random factor).

PITlmer <- lmer(logit(PI/100) ~ Genotype * Time + #formula including logit transformation
                  (1|Subject) + (1|Experiment), #random intercepts
                data = PITime) 

Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method ['lmerModLmerTest']
Formula: logit(PI/100) ~ Genotype * Time + (1 | Subject) + (1 | Experiment)
   Data: PITime

REML criterion at convergence: 11.4

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.10277 -0.66524  0.08805  0.61831  1.00022 

Random effects:
 Groups     Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 Subject    (Intercept) 0.112894 0.33600 
 Experiment (Intercept) 0.006409 0.08005 
 Residual               0.020186 0.14208 
Number of obs: 24, groups:  Subject, 12; Experiment, 6

Fixed effects:
                    Estimate Std. Error       df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)         -1.20604    0.15247 11.52247  -7.910 5.45e-06 ***
GenotypeKO          -1.43165    0.21062  5.83467  -6.797 0.000559 ***
Timet300             0.67255    0.08203 10.00000   8.199 9.49e-06 ***
GenotypeKO:Timet300 -0.23506    0.11601 10.00000  -2.026 0.070238 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) GntyKO Tmt300
GenotypeKO  -0.691              
Timet300    -0.269  0.195       
GntyKO:T300  0.190 -0.275 -0.707

7.2.1 Comparing models

In the model above, we had two random intercepts: Subject for the repeated measures, and Experiment to account for the block design. When we look at the Random effects section of the model summary, we see that Subject has the highest Std.Dev of 0.336, which is more than that of the Residual at 0.14208. Interestingly, Experiment has a very low value, suggesting that after accounting for nested subjects, Experiment accounts for very little noise in the study. This random intercept could be dropped to simplify the model.

We can compare models with the package performance. But we need to fit models with REML = FALSE.

#same model as above with two intercepts
mod_SubExp_ints <- lmer(logit(PI/100) ~ Genotype * Time + #formula including logit transformation
                          (1|Subject) + (1|Experiment), #random intercepts
                        data = PITime,
                        REML = FALSE) 

#model with Subject intercept only
mod_Sub_ints <- lmer(logit(PI/100) ~ Genotype * Time + #formula including logit transformation
                          (1|Subject), #random intercepts
                        data = PITime,
                        REML = FALSE) 

#model with Experiment intercept only
mod_Exp_ints <- lmer(logit(PI/100) ~ Genotype * Time + #formula including logit transformation
                          (1|Experiment), #random intercepts
                        data = PITime,
                        REML = FALSE) 

#compare them 
modcomps <- performance::compare_performance(mod_SubExp_ints,
                                 rank = TRUE) #rank them
Some of the nested models seem to be identical and probably only vary in their random effects.
Following indices with missing values are not used for ranking: AIC_wt, AICc_wt, BIC_wt
#mod_Sub_ints ranks as best
# Comparison of Model Performance Indices

Name            |           Model | R2 (cond.) | R2 (marg.) |   ICC |  RMSE | Sigma | Performance-Score
mod_Sub_ints    | lmerModLmerTest |      0.980 |      0.859 | 0.855 | 0.095 | 0.130 |            97.23%
mod_SubExp_ints | lmerModLmerTest |      0.980 |      0.859 | 0.855 | 0.095 | 0.130 |            80.00%
mod_Exp_ints    | lmerModLmerTest |      0.904 |      0.859 | 0.316 | 0.258 | 0.282 |            20.00%
#plot the result
plot(modcomps) #larger values better
Figure 7.4: Model comparisons.

Paying attention to random effects in the summary output is useful! In this case, as subjects are nested within experiments, just one random factor does quite well to increase power of the analyses. In other cases, with a lot more data, both random factors could be fit or more complex models tested.

Before proceeding with the model further, we need to re-fit it with REML = TRUE.

mod2_Sub_ints <- lmer(logit(PI/100) ~ Genotype * Time + #formula including logit transformation
                          (1|Subject), #random intercepts
                        data = PITime) 

7.2.2 Model diagnostics

As before, we will use ggResidpanel for diagnostic plots.

Figure 7.5: Model diagnostics.

7.2.3 ANOVA table

Get the ANOVA table with the anova() call on the lmer model.

      type ="II") 
Type II Analysis of Variance Table with Satterthwaite's method
               Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value    Pr(>F)    
Genotype      1.12319 1.12319     1    10 55.6425 2.161e-05 ***
Time          1.84830 1.84830     1    10 91.5646 2.377e-06 ***
Genotype:Time 0.08288 0.08288     1    10  4.1059   0.07024 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

See discussion in Chapter 4 on how to read the summary() of ANOVA model and how the ANOVA table is generated. This is a two way ANOVA and the result for each factor is on a new row. The interaction between Genotype and Time is indicated by the : colon between the two in the table (the lmer formula syntax uses * in the formula above). If Time has the same effect at every level of Genotype, there is no interaction. If the effect is different, there is interaction. In the ANOVA table the F values for fixed factors are large (~59 and ~92) – these are very large \(signal/noise\) ratios indeed! The interaction between Time and Genotype is a bit doubtful at F value ~4.

Because the denominator Df calculation is difficult and is an approximation, you should pay attention to the F value itself (recall that the P value is calculated based on Df values). The method used for Df calculation can change the P value but not the F. Ask yourself whether the observed F value is a large value that could be an outlier in the distribution?

The default method of approximately calculating the Df (in lmerTest which provides the functionality to the anova call above) is Satterthwaite’s method. This can be changed to Kenward-Roger (which is more conservative and sometimes recommended for unbalanced designs, i.e., when number of observations in different groups is not the same) as shown below. Results with both methods is same for balanced designs like this dataset.

      type ="II",
      ddf = "Kenward-Roger") #preferred (more conservative) Df approximation 
Type II Analysis of Variance Table with Kenward-Roger's method
               Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value    Pr(>F)    
Genotype      1.12319 1.12319     1    10 55.6425 2.161e-05 ***
Time          1.84830 1.84830     1    10 91.5646 2.377e-06 ***
Genotype:Time 0.08288 0.08288     1    10  4.1059   0.07024 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

See Chapter 5 for how to report ANOVA results](#ANOVA-one-report).

7.3 Post-hoc comparisons of cell death

Pairwise comparisons of Genotypes separately at each level of Time.

        pairwise ~Genotype|Time, 
        adjust = "fdr", 
        type = "response")
Time = t100:
 Genotype response     SE   df lower.CL upper.CL
 WT         0.2304 0.0270 11.6   0.1766   0.2948
 KO         0.0668 0.0095 11.6   0.0487   0.0908

Time = t300:
 Genotype response     SE   df lower.CL upper.CL
 WT         0.3697 0.0355 11.6   0.2958   0.4502
 KO         0.0997 0.0137 11.6   0.0735   0.1339

Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
Confidence level used: 0.95 
Intervals are back-transformed from the logit scale 

Time = t100:
 contrast odds.ratio    SE   df null t.ratio p.value
 WT / KO        4.19 0.903 11.6    1   6.639  <.0001

Time = t300:
 contrast odds.ratio    SE   df null t.ratio p.value
 WT / KO        5.29 1.140 11.6    1   7.730  <.0001

Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
Tests are performed on the log odds ratio scale 

7.3.1 Approx Df calculations

This is clearer if you fill out the checkerboard table of observations and means to see how many Df you lose for Subjects. This can be seen from summary of the lmer() model. In table above in the Fixed Effects section, (Intercept) is KO t100 (alphabetically the first group in the table), GenoWT is the t100 of Geno and so on.

It is also useful to think in terms of ‘once 6 subjects KO t100 are allowed to have their own intercepts’, how many remaining degrees of freedom are available to get the mean for KO?

Calculations by hand are messy and won’t give fractional Df seen in tables above.

  • \(signal\) Df for Genotype = 2 – 1 = 1

  • \(signal\) Df for Time = 2 – 1 = 1

  • Df for Subjects = 12 - 1 = 11

  • Df for Experiments = 6 – 1 = 5

  • Total Df = 24 – 1 = 23

  • You lose Df for Subjects, so \(noise\) Df = 23 – 11 – 1 – 1 = 10

Time is measured within-subjects, and there are interactions between Time & Genotype to calculate. This IS messy (read more here), but in the least you should ensure that your model does not give you unrealistically large noise or denominator Df.

A large denDf will give you an extreme P value because it will look up a less conservative F distribution. Therefore, focus on the F statistic for each factor and remember that with very large \(n\) the critical values at P < 0.05 are \(\pm\) 1.96. This can be problem with pseudo-replicates.

7.3.2 Changing Df settings in lmer() and emmeans()

Typically you won’t need to change denDf options as different methods may give similar results for simple designs. This is for information only.

The recommendation is to load the lmerTest package before running lmer() to fit the model, and then using the anova() call to get the ANOVA table.

In lme4, the ddf = option lets you change the method for denDf approximation. The default method “Satterthwaite”, can be changed to “Kenward-Roger” or “lme4” (which gives you only F values as originally implemented by the authors of lme4).

The default in emmeans is Kenward-Roger, and can also be changed using the lmer.df setting to satterthwaite: see here and here.

7.4 Repeated measures in grafify

The idea is the same as above – grafify offers intercept only models, which is what we will do to allow intercepts for each Subject. Please see further details on the grafify vignette website for ordinary ANOVA and mixed models.

#fit a model
graf_2w_rep <- mixed_model(data = PITime,
                           Y_value = "logit(PI/100)",
                           Fixed_Factor = c("Genotype",
                           Random_Factor = "Subject")
#QQ plot of residuals
plot_qqmodel(Model = graf_2w_rep)

Analysis with grafify
#ANOVA table
mixed_anova(data = PITime,
            Y_value = "logit(PI/100)",
            Fixed_Factor = c("Genotype",
            Random_Factor = "Subject")
Type II Analysis of Variance Table with Kenward-Roger's method
               Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF DenDF F value    Pr(>F)    
Genotype      1.12319 1.12319     1    10 55.6425 2.161e-05 ***
Time          1.84830 1.84830     1    10 91.5646 2.377e-06 ***
Genotype:Time 0.08288 0.08288     1    10  4.1059   0.07024 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
#post-hoc comparisons 
posthoc_Levelwise(Model = graf_2w_rep,
                  Fixed_Factor = c("Genotype",
Time = t100:
 Genotype response     SE   df lower.CL upper.CL
 WT         0.2304 0.0270 11.6   0.1766   0.2948
 KO         0.0668 0.0095 11.6   0.0487   0.0908

Time = t300:
 Genotype response     SE   df lower.CL upper.CL
 WT         0.3697 0.0355 11.6   0.2958   0.4502
 KO         0.0997 0.0137 11.6   0.0735   0.1339

Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
Confidence level used: 0.95 
Intervals are back-transformed from the logit scale 

Time = t100:
 contrast odds.ratio    SE   df null t.ratio p.value
 WT / KO        4.19 0.903 11.6    1   6.639  <.0001

Time = t300:
 contrast odds.ratio    SE   df null t.ratio p.value
 WT / KO        5.29 1.140 11.6    1   7.730  <.0001

Degrees-of-freedom method: kenward-roger 
Tests are performed on the log odds ratio scale